Sunday, April 10, 2011

Well, Here Goes.........

It occurs to me the dream of keeping beautiful, heartfelt journals to chronicle childhood for my boys has long since been given up as an impossible dream.  Tyler, the oldest prince, has a couple of bound books filled with letters from me.  In these, I have shared my hopes and dreams for him and kept a time line of the important milestones.  The first letter starts with the day I found out I was destined to be his mom.  Logan’s journals are slightly smaller.  I tried to keep up with them.  The only problem was I now had twice the work to do! When Joey arrived……..well, you get the picture!  Every now and then I feel a twinge of guilt about how little I have recorded of the cute things they say or do.  However, the moment passes as quickly as it comes and I am required to get back to the countless things needing to be done.
Thanks to Judy, who SWEARS the things that happen in my family are so comical and uncommon that I need to write them down and become wealthy by selling them as fiction because no one would ever believe really happened, and to Steph, one of my oldest, dearest friends who keeps up with her own blog and flawlessly performs the role as SUPERMOM, I have decided to give it a try.  Maybe this will be something I can keep up with.  More than likely it will …. no, let’s stay positive!  Judy, I may even get around to telling the story of the christmas eve Italian guinea pig blues clues funeral story you’ve been begging me to write down. One can hope, right?  Well, here goes……………………

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You've joined the blog world! You'll love it! BTW, who is this supermom you mentioned? Have I met her before? ;)


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