Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Today, I went for what I thought was going to be an introductory meeting with a surgeon. I recently discovered that when you have a 43 pound baby (I could be exaggerating) you can sometimes get a hernia. I know I have had it for 4 years now.  Recently, it has become VERY painful.  After a doctor’s visit and a referral to a surgeon we arrive at the events of the day.  I have done research on the procedure.  I knew they are done as an outpatient surgery in most cases.  So I fully expected to schedule a surgery today.  I expected to get it done in a few weeks.  Imagine my surprise when the surgeon said Thursday. Oh, and you won’t be able to go back to work for 1-2 weeks.   He said a few things about being worried my intestines could rupture and before I knew it I was told to be at the hospital at 5am Thursday morning.  What?!!! I am a planner!!! One day is not enough time to prepare!!!!  I need at least two weeks!!!  

I informed my boss who told me not to worry about anything and to focus on healing. We’ve told Joey he can’t jump on Mommy, climb on Mommy or pull on mommy.  I left an emergency list of people to call if the kids need something at school.  I have done all the laundry in the house, including the sheets on the beds. We’ve told Joey he can’t jump on Mommy, climb on Mommy, or pull on mommy. School uniforms are washed, ironed, and ready for the next week.  Bathrooms are clean.  Floors are mopped. We’ve told Joey he can’t jump on Mommy, climb on Mommy, or pull on mommy. I plan on grocery shopping tomorrow.  Aaron has assured me he will be home for the rest of this week and he is capable of getting what needs to be done completed.  I know that.  I also know I will be out of commission for a while and I want to make this a little easier on him.  

Tonight, I have a variety of feelings about Thursday.  The doctor so kindly told me how painful the recovery is going to be so I am not looking forward to that.  I am nervous and a little scared.  

However, I am mostly overwhelmed.  As soon as I mentioned to my neighbor surgery was set for Thursday, she promptly asked for bus times and directions to the boys schools so she can get all the boys where they need to be on Thursday morning-   BEFORE I even asked!  Friends have offered to bring meals, entertain the kids, and keep me company during the day.  I am truly amazed. (I don’t know why.  My friends are AMAZING people.)  I am dreading the procedure and recovery, but I am looking forward to seeing Steph on Friday night.  I can’t wait to catch up!  I am not a person to sit still.  Those close to me know this.  So a week of not being able to do anything is going to be a challenge. Now, if I can just keep Joey from jumping on Mommy, climbing on Mommy, pulling on mommy……………………………..

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