Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Study of the Effects of Prolonged Hospitalization of Offspring on the Mental Health of Parents.

Days 1-5
  • Everyone is so nice and helpful.
  • Netflix is a delightful boredom buster.
  • All of the elevators have cute names, such as Flower or Butterfly Elevators.
  • Tyler enjoys TeenNick.  How delightfully age appropriate of him!
  • They have a delightful food service system allowing you to personalize your child's menu and order it when your child is ready to eat.
  •  The hospital library stocks a variety of movie to check out.
  • My crossword puzzle book proves I am still smart.
  • My husband was really smart to bring some extra charger cords for our devices.
  • These rooms are painted such a calming color.

Days 5-10
  • This hospital must have great benefits and pay their employees well, because everyone is so nice and helpful.
  • Wow!  I have time to watch some of the original Netflix shows I’ve heard about.  I really enjoyed the comedy series I just finished.  Everyone is talking about Orange is the New Black.  Perhaps I should give that a try.
  • I just have to remember to take the flower elevators down one floor and walk two halls to take the parking elevators to the Mint P2 deck to find the car.  Shouldn’t be a problem.
  •  Teen Nick again?  Okay………
  •  It is getting close to lunch so I better decide what Tyler will eat and call the Food service number to get his food before it is too late.  Then, I should call the nurse for pain meds so they will work so he can eat with his mouth all sutured.
  • We are checking out the Spongebob movie again?  Don’t you want to try something else? No? 
  •  I thought I’d be finished with more of the crossword book by now.  Three is still smart, right?
  • It sure was lucky Aaron brought the extra phone charger since mine broke!  I wonder what this other cord goes to?
  •  I wonder why the clock doesn’t match the colors of the room.  It also might be slightly tilted.  Hmmm….

Days 10-15
  •  Everyone is so nice and helpful it makes it even more noticeable when I snap at them.  For the tenth time in the last 15 minutes, “No! I do not need anything right now!”
  • Thanks to Netflix’s original programming I know how to make a shiv.  Also- I have begun to ask what she expects me to trade it for when she brings my son his drugs. 
  •  If Butterflies like flowers, why is this elevator system so difficult?  Mint is green.  Just say green.
  • Do any of these kids on Teen Nick have actual parents?
  • It is 3 pm and I have forgotten to order him lunch. Just bring him anything on a tray.  Anything!  Why am I planning his meals?  Were there budget cuts?
  • Die Spongebob.
  • Oh my goodness, a crossword book!  I wonder who left this here!
  • Are these cords breeding?  Why are they everywhere?
  •  “Nurse, Something happened to your clock.  I think it fell.”

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Blankets at this Fort are Heated!

This just in from Tyler Watch 2015:   

Tyler is doing fine.  He came through the surgery with flying colors.  They have been keeping him in a induced coma since Monday.  We had a slight scare on Monday night because his blood pressure dropped.  I mean dropped to 47/11.  We could not get it to raise up for a few hours.  They were going to try to take him off the vent on Friday, but on Thursday night we again had some BP and oxygen problems.  This weekend, we have been chilling!  The plan is to try to take him off the ventilator tomorrow so fingers crossed!

EVERYONE here at Scottish Rite has been wonderful.  Our nurses rock here in the PICU!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Blanket Fort has Collapsed... Good bye Blanket Fort......

Good Grief!  Today, I got pulled over by the cops.  I was trying to avoid the parking lot on 285 on my commute to work and ran a stop sign.  A couple of policemen on motorcycles pulled me over.  I was sure I was getting a ticket, a huge fine, and attitude.  I say that because when the police officer came up to the van, he seemed rude and cut off every sentence I tried to say. He mentioned my cell  phone was on so I was obviously surfing on my phone as I was driving.  He took my lisence and spent around 15 minutes running the tag.  During that 15 minutes, I was pissed. A ticket? Really? After everything else put on us this month, now I was going to have to pay a fine?  What else?!!  I was just trying to get to work so I could make sure everything was as done as possible for when I take an indefinant leave of absence. A fine?  More money out of our pockets?  Really?  Wasn't it enough we were going to be financing basically 2 households during the coming months since our family would be split into two parts?  I think I was more angry I had no time to explain I didn't know this area or see the sign.  (Not an excuse, but still!)  He wouldn't let me explain my cell phone was only on because I was using google maps to get to work.  I had the voice command going into the speakers on my van so I wasn't even looking at me cell.  Really?!!!!!

Surprisingly, I received a warning.  Later, when I was complaining to my Aaron that I couldn't seem to catch a break, he stared at me and informed me a warning was a break.  God bless my infuriatingly rational husband.


Ty's surgery has been scheduled for Monday morning at 9:45 am at Scottish Rite. Last time, we created a medical page through the hospital to give updates to family and friends.  We aren't doing that this time.  I will be updating our family blog.  There is a way for family and friends to sign up to get updates on this site.  That said, I will be taking a break from Facebook.

Frankly, I am bitchy.  I'm sorry.  That is the word that best describes me at the moment.  (Ask Aaron.  He better not agree.)    My emotions are all over the place right now.  I go from laughing to crying to being angry within a matter of moments.  Tonight, we ate tacos and I thought, "What if this is the last time Tyler eats tacos?!!" I am taking these feelings out on Aaron.  He is being so strong, but why should he have to deal with everything PLUS a crazy wife? :)

I feel isolated.  I read facebook and feel even more isolated.  When I see friends post about how they ran out of ketchup, I think, "Really?  It must be so hard to be out of KETCHUP right now!!" So I am out, people!  I love you and I promise to be a much better friend after this ordeal is over.  I am raw and I am broken.

Right now is rough.  I am so thankful for family and friends.  While I have felt isolated, angry, and lost lately, I have also felt love.  So many of you have sent us good wishes and encouraging messages.  I have received support and offers of help.  I love you all.

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