Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Such is life!

Today has been a little stressful.  I am truly trying to breathe deep.  Tomorrow, we are going to my sister-in-law's house so we can celebrate the retirement of my brother-in- law.  I am really excited to go.  However, there is so much to be done before we leave and everything has to be packed tonight!  On top of all of this, I have a four year old following me around whining.

Poor Joey!  He had a rough day at school.  Mrs. Covington, his teacher, has the patience of a saint.  He didn't want to participate.  He wouldn't do his work.  He wanted to play during class time.  We have told him if we get a bad report, no games, no DS.  Today is the first time he has been grounded since we instituted the rule.  On the way home, he cried and pouted.  He has tried everything to get me to give him his game.  He has made promises, tried to cut a deal, and just plain begged.  I am standing firm.  No one ever tells you how hard it is not to give in when your baby is in tears. 

Logan is doing a science fair project for school.  First, The kid is smart!  I mean super smart.  He always has been.  So, the science fair project his teacher assigned him was not satisfactory to him.  He didn't want to grow the stalagtites.  He talked her into letting him do the clock powered by the potato project.  He loves the project.  However, writing the paper on it is the challenge.  Writing is probably his weakest area.  He tends to expect those who are reading the paper to already know the facts of the topic and wants to give no details.  Add that to the whining when he has to add to his paper and we have had a fun night.  Fun.

We bought Tyler a tablet with a tap to talk program on it.  He is having a blast ridiculing his brothers with it. I think he is just happy to finally have a voice! 

Well, now that all the laundry is done, I must start packing.  Oh, the joys of motherhood!

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