Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat

Halloween is always busy for moms.  This year, I didn’t buy costumes.  The boys either had to reuse one from a previous year or make their own using things we have at the house.  I felt a little guilty last night.  Not guilty enough to battle the last minute Halloween shoppers but I did feel a little guilty.   However, Logan decided he wanted to be a zombie and Joey begged to wear his ninja costume from last year.   I rushed home from work today.  I ran in, checked homework, and made mac and cheese.  As the boys were eating, I did some last minute repair on the lawn decorations.  Then, I found (after a long time looking) the fog machine. Really? How do I lose a fog machine?    Decorations perfected, I run back in to paint a zombie’s face, clean the dinner dishes, and start a movie for Tyler.
In the past, Halloween starts out fun but frustration usually sets in by the end of the night.  This Halloween, I decided to document our experience and find out when it all goes wrong.
5:47pm.  Kiddos are fed.  Tyler is in his room watching his tv.  He absolutely refuses to have anything to do with Halloween this year.  He is a teenager and too cool for these kiddie things.  (sigh…)  Logan is dressed as a zombie.  He has also decided to go trick or treating with his friends instead of his parents.  (double sigh…)  That just leaves Joey.  Aaron is taking him although I have PROMISED to take him next year.  I played the I-just-want-to-stay-home-and-hand –out-candy- because-I-have-a-cold card tonight.  We are now waiting for it to get dark enough to trick or treat. 
6:03pm.  Logan left to go across the street to his friend’s house.  No trick or treaters at our house yet.
6:09pm.  Logan is back at home because he forgot his DS.  Aaron tells him he is not allowed to bring his DS trick or treating.  I have no idea what Logan was thinking.  He leaves again to go back to his friend’s house. 
6:41pm. Still no trick or treaters.
7:01 pm.  First trick or treaters arrive. 
7:27 pm.  Fog machine does not work. 
7:27 pm. Child complained about type of candy I gave him. He just stood there and kept saying, “I don’t like this.”  My reply, “Then trade it with one of your borthers.”  Goodbye.
7:32 pm.  Parent actually trick or treating carrying a separate bag.  My reply…” I am only handing out candy to the kids.”  Really?  If you can drive, drive yourself to the store and buy a bag. 
7:42 pm.  Running low on candy.  Opened up a new bag. 
8:29 PM.  2ND kid to make a candy request.  After looking in the bucket, he said, “Do you have any gum?”  No, but the store does.  Go there.
8:32 pm. Turned the light off.  It is a school night.  Go home. Go to bed.
8:35 pm.  Doorbell rang.  Of course.

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